How do I access the "My Account" feature in the Library Catalogue?


"My Account" is a feature in the Library catalogue that allows you to:

  • See what books you have checked out and when they are due. For details, please consult this FAQ.
  • Renew books that are not overdue or have not reached their renewal limit. For details on how to do this, consult this FAQ.
  • Place checked-out books on hold so the Library can put them aside for you when they are returned. For details, please consult this FAQ.
  • See if you have any outstanding Library fines. For details, please consult this FAQ.

To set up "My Account," follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Library catalogue.
  2. Click on "My Account" in the blue toolbar.
  3. Click on "User PIN Change". Fill out the form:
    • Students:
      • Your 7-digit student number: This number can be found on your student ID card (e.g. 1234567).
      • Your PIN:  The default PIN for "My Account" is "CHANGEME", with no spaces and all in capital letters. Note that this PIN is independent from all other logins at the College.
      • Enter new PIN and Re-enter new PIN: Create your own PIN, then enter it again to confirm it. If you have previously reset your PIN and cannot remember what you chose for your PIN, please go to the Circulation Desk in the Library for assistance.
    • Faculty and Staff:
      • Your 7-digit student number: Use your employee number in place of a student number
      • Your PIN:  The default PIN for "My Account" is "CHANGEME", with no spaces and all in capital letters. Note that this PIN is independent from all other logins at the College.
      • Enter new PIN and Re-enter new PIN: Create your own PIN, then enter it again to confirm it. If you have previously reset your PIN and cannot remember what you chose for your PIN, please go to the Circulation Desk in the Library for assistance.
  4. Click on "Change PIN". If successful, you will see a message that says, "__________'s PIN has changed". Click "OK".

Now you're ready to use "My Account". To log in, simply enter your 7-digit student number and your new PIN in the upper-right corner of any page of the Library catalogue. When you successfully log in, the login boxes will disappear and be replaced by a link that says "Log Out". Now you can use any of the "My Account" features in the catalogue's top menu, or you can place books on hold through the link displayed beside every record.

For additional help with using "My Account," take a look at the short videos below, which will walk you logging in to "My Account" and changing your PIN.


Need Help?

You can always drop by the Library's Reference Desk for help whenever we are open. Consult our opening hours here. You can also chat with us online during opening hours, or submit a question anytime here. We will respond to you as quickly as possible during business hours.


  • Last Updated May 25, 2023
  • Views 303
  • Answered By Matthew Flanagan

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